Stumbled across a thoroughly impressive classical music blog.
On the strength of the post on Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, I bought a recording by Jeno Jando, who I learn is one of the few who plays the rhythm correctly. Though of course I love the Moonlight (sonata number 14), I’m loving the whole record, especially the Adagio from the Pathetique (number 8). When I was little my mother used to play it; I could hear it from down the hall while I was falling asleep. It’s the single most reassuring, comforting, peaceful piece of music I know.
I got it from Amazon’s new mp3 store, by the way, which I think is pretty darn good. Their selection is not bad at all for a new store. I just wish you could choose aac, not just mp3.
Magnatune also carries a limited but excellent selection of recordings, available at very high quality.
Welcome back into my life, Ludwig! I’ve missed you.
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