Posts Tagged: unusual

Born-again catalog model?

photo credit: Gary Denness Saw a guy walking down Soquel Avenue. He wore snugly-fitting sparkling white jeans and a navy polo shirt, and sported wavy dark brown superhero hair. He held up in front of him a small cross made of two unpeeled sticks lashed together, and gazed solemnly and unwaveringly ahead as he paced… Read more »

Bizarre Christmas music – free downloads!

Wish I’d found this earlier than Christmas day, but I urge you to give Andy Cirzan’s Santa Set a listen. When it comes to Christmas music, I thought I’d heard it all, but I was wrong, oh so wrong. Collecting holiday weirdness is not just Andy’s hobby, it’s his higher calling. Free for listening or… Read more »

Music video: Singing Tesla coil

It’s a solid state Tesla coil and it wants to entertain us. It’s been suggested that a good name for this coil would be the “Zeusaphone”. “Thoremin” has also been mentioned, though personally I think we need Theramin type inputs for that. To answer a few questions I’ve received, YES, someone did yell “Play Freebird!”… Read more »