day after inauguration

I know everyone was excited about Inauguration Day. I caught a bit of the party down by the clock tower on my way home yesterday. Yes, there was dancing in the streets!

My mom, who witnessed both Truman’s and Kennedy’s inaugurations, asked for my thoughts and feelings about this momentous day. I didn’t really catch the fever. Don’t get me wrong: I am very, very glad Barack Obama is our president. It’s just that I’m not that big on ceremonies and speeches.

However, I was heartened this morning by some of the new administration’s first steps: ordering a four-month suspension on Gitmo trials, and suspending the Bush administration’s ~100 unfinished new regulations, pending review.

And there’s this good news:

The Israeli government says it’s withdrawn the last of its troops from the Gaza Strip. It’s widely speculated the move was timed to avoid the possibility of any criticism from President Obama after he took office.

Not a bad start. Mom (and other activists): please keep up the pressure on the new administration!

Meet Ratty

Home is where you hang your string.

Home is where you hang your string.

By popular demand: Ratty, Rattikins, Rattley, Ratify, Rattipuss, Kitty-O, Pusspuss.

And now, I give you the great and dignified Sir Rattus Catus.

pet prep day

After signing adoption papers yesterday, I spent today getting ready for the new kitty. Here he is, though I haven’t met him yet:


Here’s my bike loaded down with my Pet Pals purchases. I know, I probably didn’t need to buy all that stuff. Chalk it up to anxious new mom syndrome. Or maybe lonely spinster needing to spoil an animal syndrome. Don’t judge me too harshly. Just look in the eyes of that kitty…


Of course, I’m reading up on cat care. I found useful info on diet at and appealing accessories at

More updates to come! This blog may turn into a cat blog, at least for a while. Be forewarned.

P.S. I really have to give a shout out to the fantastically caring and hardworking staff of the Santa Cruz SPCA. That place is as frantically busy and constantly distracting as a publicly-funded daycare for 50 kids. The (reduced) staff is truckin’ on, regardless.

Orgone tonight!

Amber and I are gonna boogie down tonight to Orgone’s funk grooves. We’re getting 2009 off to the right start!

I just wish I had my earloves already.


Dang, but this band can jam! If a band is good enough they’ll get me through my 5 stages:

1. Feeling dorky

2. Not caring that I’m a dork

3. Getting my ya-ya’s out and working up a sweat

4. Feeling in the groove

5. So tired I might fall down any moment, but can’t stop moving either

The singer got soused but they were great anyhow. The ratio of dancers to nodders was higher than I usually see. Their longest piece was Funky Nassau. I thought they’d never stop jamming—and I didn’t want them to, either. They closed with the feel-good number “Do Your Thing” and we all left happy.