Hello friends, acquaintances, and the world at large. I don’t really know what my website is any more, if I ever did. But I have decided, after a years-long hiatus, to post some personal updates. So to get the ball rolling…
I lived in Santa Cruz, California from the early eighties until 2013, when I got laid off. I moved to a suburb of Seattle and into my sister’s house. I spent ten months unemployed, five months as a library volunteer, fifteen months as a book shelver, and finally I’ve just been hired as a library assistant (person at the checkout desk). They say when you’re estimating time, double it and increase the units. I thought I’d find a liveable job in a month; it’s taken two years, so that’s about right!
It’s thanks to my family, the co-counselors of the Duwamish area, online community college classes, and old friends on Facebook that I’ve held onto my sanity and made it this far. My nearest and dearest know my ridiculous susceptibility to gloom and doom, but my prospects are lightening up now. It’s about time I get back to being my cheerful and silly self.
More details later. I will also be posting some projects from my library classes for my classmates to access. Welcome, all!
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