Library catalog search plugins for your browser

This page offers OpenSearch plugins for KCLS, SPL, HCC, and HCC Primo catalogs/discovery layers. To add any of these search plugins to your browser, follow the instructions below.

Please be advised that I am just experimenting, I don’t really know what I’m doing, and I can’t guarantee that these plugins will work at all.

Thanks to Nicholas C. Baker for his article “Plug Your Users Into Library Resources With OpenSearch Plug-Ins” (Highline College login required).


When visiting this page that you are reading right now in Firefox, look at the search box. Click the magnifying glass icon, and in the window that drops down, click Add HCC Primo Keyword. Now test it out by typing a search term, and in the dropdown window, select the magnifying glass icon for HCC Primo Keyword (when you hover over it, the name should appear). Firefox should proceed to load your HCC Primo search. Follow a similar procedure for the other plugins. More help on Mozilla Support


Install the OpenSearch Safari extension. In Safari’s toolbar, click the magnifying glass icon. Click the green ADD button beside any plugin you wish to install; it should now show up under the Search Engines list. To search with your new plugin, click the magnifying glass, enter your search term, then click the desired search engine.

Internet Explorer

I haven’t had time to test custom search plugins in IE yet. IE might require that the plugins be hosted on the same domain as the search domains, in which case, these plugins won’t work, since I’m hosting them on my personal domain.


I haven’t had time to test custom search plugins in Chrome yet.

Mobile browsers

As far as I know, mobile browsers do not yet support OpenSearch plugins.

Works Cited

Baker, Nicholas C. “Plug Your Users Into Library Resources With Opensearch Plug-Ins. (Cover Story).” Computers In Libraries 27.9 (2007): 16-25. Computer Source. Web. 13 May 2015. <>. n.d. Web. 13 May 2015. <>.

Pockrandt, Thomas, and Devran Ünal. OpenSearch for Safari. n.d. Web. 13 May 2015. <>.

“Use the Search Bar in Firefox and Manage Search Engines.” Mozilla Support. Mozilla. n.d. Web. 13 May 2015. <>.

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