Hi everyone, I certainly have some catching up to do on this blog. I’ve been to three concerts that I want to tell you about. Seems like it’s because I’m always too tired to write, but I suspect it’s also partly because I feel dumb when I try to write about music. I will perservere, though. I want to polish up my musical memories so I can pull them up on a bad day!
Coming up soon, posts on Lila Downs, Fleet Foxes, and Tinariwen – all performers I’ve heard recently at my favorite neighborhood theatre. Someone’s been doing an incredible job with the booking there!
Friends, if you invite me to the Rio, I’ll go. I do not have the will to resist.
Oh, but Mr. Owner, if you’re reading, would you please stop having the staff squeeze my bag or my jacket pocket on the way in? It feels slightly creepy and humiliating, like airport security. Just ask me whether I’m carrying food or beverages, and I will answer honestly.
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